Purchasing stainless steel sinks shouldn’t be stressful. After all, if you know what kind of sink you are looking for, you should be able to just locate it and order it, right? Sometimes this is easier said than done, however. There are many reasons why shopping for stainless steel sinks can be tough, and the only solution is to be better informed about the buying process.
Knowing the common pitfalls that lead to buyer disappointment in the sink that they have purchased can help you to locate the sinks that you need easily and without problems. You will be much more likely to find what you need when you are shopping wisely and to avoid the common problems that make sink—buying a chore. The more that you know about the sink buying process, the less likely it will be that you end up with sink products that you wish you had never purchased.
If you are ready to learn more about the common pitfalls that you should avoid when purchasing stainless steel sinks, you need to keep reading.
5 Pitfalls To be Aware of When Purchasing Stainless Steel Sinks
1. Fake Stainless Steel
One of the most common things that can be an issue when you are buying stainless steel sinks is not being aware that you are being sold fake SUS 304 stainless steel. This form of stainless steel has a high quantity of nickel which means that it will perform better in many ways. Proper nickel content protects against corrosion and offers resistance to acid and alkali substances, as well as contributing ductility and toughness.

SUS 304 stainless steel is more expensive than other stainless steel products, however, which can lead to some sellers opting to use a fake variant of this metal. If you have been sold 201 stainless steel instead of SUS 304, the sinks you have purchased will not perform as well.
2. Recycled Materials
Not everything should be recycled, and in the case of stainless steel, there are some issues that can occur when the product is recycled and used to make new sinks. Stainless steel sinks that have been made with recycled steel are often prone to impurities and sand blisters, and they might even have problems with uneven thicknesses.
These sinks will not hold up as well as a proper stainless steel sink, and they will often be much less attractive as well. This can be a big disappointment when someone places a sink order for what seems like a great price, only to find out that the sinks in question have been made of recycled materials.

3. Sink Thickness
The thickness of stainless steel that is used to make stainless steel sinks will need to be even and consistent for best results. The thickness of certain parts of the sink can greatly impact the sink’s usable lifespan and can lead to issues with fractures, cracks, or noisiness when it is in use. Make sure that you know what your ideal sink thickness is and that the entire sink measures to this thickness.
Having the right thickness sink will ensure a lifetime of use as well as quiet operation and easy installation. This is one of the key elements of any sink purchase, and you should never ignore this aspect of your sink shopping process.
4. Scattered Cutting
This method of cutting sinks leads to lots of welding, which makes the sink much less sturdy and less attractive. Scattered cutting leads to less wasted materials, but the overall sink quality is greatly reduced when this method is used to craft sinks.

Sinks that are properly made will be cross cut. Cross cut integral cutting makes the whole sink from the basin surface and basin body to the basin bottom as one integrated piece. This leads to a consistent thickness as well as a more attractive finished product. There is less welding in this method in most cases as well, which offers a much better-quality finished product than you would achieve with other cutting methods.
5. Increasing Sink Weight
Another common pitfall that sink shoppers fall into is looking for a heavier stainless steel sink and then finding out that the weight comes from thicker silencing pads and coating on the underside of the sink. While this will add to the overall weight of the sink, it will impact its performance negatively, and it can lead to issues with fitting sinks into common-size slots.
The quality of a sink that has been artificially made heavier is much reduced, and you should avoid any sink product that has more attached to the underside of the back of the sink than should be there. Increasing sink weight can make a sink seem like it is really high-quality when in fact, it is not a nice sink at all.

Avoiding Common Buying Pitfalls Can be Very Important
If you are worried that you will not know what to do when you start looking for stainless steel sinks, this guide is a great reference point to help you to avoid common buying pitfalls. You will be much less likely to get a sink that you do not want when you keep these tips and tricks in mind during your shopping process. Being aware of the common tricks and cost-saving techniques that can lead to sinks appearing to be better quality than they are can be a big help.
Armed with this knowledge, you should be able to find the perfect sink for your needs with ease. Make sure that you always check on all the details of the sinks that you are considering buying before you make any decisions. It is always wise to do all of your research in advance before you make a choice.
Work with the experts at Chica Dragon for a really ideal and effective sink purchasing experience. The team at Chica Dragon are informative and very responsive, and you can count on getting access to the very best quality sinks when you buy from Chica Dragon.